Tuesday, November 19, 2013

piute county utah

Piute County, Utah

A well known trail called The Old Spanish Trail ran through this county.The county seat is Junction.The population is up to about 1,524 it has about 765 square miles.The area is in the senteral part of the state or the Ute area.The the main towns and cites are Upper Kimberly, lower Kimberly, Hoovers Pisttsberg, Thompsonville, Alunite, Angle, Billion Falles, and last of all...Greenwich.

                     Climate in Piute county 

The climate in Paiute county Utah is:
Rainfall:8.6 inches
Snowfall:19.7 inches

                                       Rocks and Minerals

30 million year ago volcanoes erupted and the left behind dry lava made volcanic rocks that had gold, silver,  mercury, copper, and iron. The picture below is a mineral called fluorite. This mineral was found on Deer Trail Mine.

This picture below was also found in Deer Trail Mine,and it is called fluorite ,but this one has quarts in it.

Water Ways

Some of the waterways in Piute county Utah are:Beaver Creek, Cottonwood Creek,Bullion creek, Manning creek,Sevier river, City creek, Loss creek and last!...Circleville creek!!
Early Settlers
The first settlers settled in the mountain in Circlevill . When ever they did anything they got dust everywhere because it was very windy in the mountains.

 Atchee Chief of the of the Ute Indians

History of Piute county

  There is amazing history in Piute county.A really cool thing about Piute county is there are alot of thinges names Piute they usualy have an a in front of the i though.In Piute county some of there playgrounds are the top playgrounds in central Utah.Someone named Butch Casity practically owns Piute county!WOW